Give Them Hope

Gallup asked people in 52 countries two questions: 1) “What leader has the most positive influence on your daily life?” and 2) “Now, please list three words that best describe what this person contributes to your life.”

Respondents could answer the second question with any adjective that came to mind. The open-ended responses were categorized into eight higher-level attributes, grouped together thematically and combined to form the four overall leadership needs of followers.

The Data: Hope stands out as the dominant need across followers, with 56% of all mentions about positive leaders falling under this theme. Inspiration, vision and personal integrity are among the top specific attributes in this category.
Among adults, 57% named a family member as having the most positive influence on their lives. Next was a manager (11%), a political figure (7%) and an organizational leader (5%).
Now that we know how much people need hope, it’s on us as leaders to step up. Whether you’re a boss, manager, or just someone others look to for direction, the way you lead matters. It’s not just about getting stuff done—it’s about investing in people, encouraging them, and helping them see a future they can be excited about.

Gallup found that family and friends are the biggest influences in our lives. But think about it—we spend more time with our coworkers and employees than we do with our own families most days. That alone should make us more intentional about how we lead. Work isn’t just a place to grind through tasks; it’s a place where people grow, build confidence, and find purpose.

So let’s make it count. Let’s be the kind of leaders who bring hope, who build people up, and who create workplaces where people actually want to be. Leadership isn’t just a job—it’s an opportunity to make a real difference.

Gallup Article
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Brandon Matthews

Brandon is passionate about bringing meaning back to the marketplace. These are practical and applicable principles for your organization.



