Are you ready for an attitude adjustment? Here are three simple things you can begin immediately:
Don't wait. Start today.
- Always be Grateful
Oprah Winfrey said "The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now." Being grateful has a way of adjusting your attitude. Don’t focus on everything that is not, but on everything that is. Here is your gratefulness challenge. Take a moment to make a list of all of the things that you are grateful for. Allow yourself some time to slow down and take inventory of the blessings in your life. - Always be Giving
Generosity shifts our focus from inward to outward. Being generous means I think about giving as much or more as getting. A generous attitude puts others before yourself. Here’s an easy generosity challenge. Be intentional with every interaction for one day. Find a way to be generous to your family, your co-workers, your waitress, or even your barber. Give a tip. Go out of your way to help someone. Send an encouraging text. Say the positive things that you think but never say out loud. Try this for one day and you might find that it truly is better to give than to receive. - Always be growing
It’s been said that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. This is true if you have a positive attitude. A bad attitude is like sitting in a grave and pulling the dirt down on yourself. A positive attitude equips you, empowers you, and elevates you. You have to grow in order to get better. So here’s your challenge. List the top three problems that you are facing. Then ask yourself, what are my reactions to these problems? Have I responded with a good attitude or bad attitude? Then consider three possible benefits of each problem. Then tackle each problem with your mind on the benefits and not the barriers.
Don't wait. Start today.
Brandon Matthews
Brandon is passionate about bringing meaning back to the marketplace. These are practical and applicable principles for your organization.