Be a Better Communicator

Communication is foundational to all of our lives and is one of the most valuable skills that you have. Many relationship experts say that the number one reason for failed relationships is poor communication. 70% of global employers indicate that communication is the most desirable skill for potential employees to have.

Here are three simple communication tips to help sharpen your communication skills:

1. Speak with Clarity
Clear communication is more important than charisma or creativity. It helps to eliminate assumptions by ensuring important details aren’t missed. It eliminates confusion, and solves the common debate of what you meant to say and what you actually said, and what they think they heard and what they actually heard.

2. Speak with Accuracy
Think in terms of a police report. A police report has to be accurate to the most minute detail. The report of a wreck wouldn’t just say two cars collided. It would state the year, make, model, and description of each vehicle. It wouldn’t just state that the vehicles were damaged. It would explain the damage and the location of the damage. The police report is full of accurate detail because it must be trustworthy to determine what is true.

3. Speak with Simplicity
Simplicity reinforces clear communication, assists in your accuracy, and helps people understand, retain, and apply what you have communicated.

Don’t communicate to elevate your ego, communicate to educate and empower others.
Take personal and professional inventory to see if you are on a progression of poor communication, and practice these three simple principles for better communication.


*Watch episode 10 of the Mind Your Business Podcast for a deep dive*
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Brandon Matthews

Brandon is passionate about bringing meaning back to the marketplace. These are practical and applicable principles for your organization.



